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Mission Blvd. Baptist Church has many opportunities for you to have your spiritual needs met and several opportunities for you to get involved in serving and ministering to others.
Ambassadors Bible Institute offers in-depth Bible classes, and Christian service and ministry training.
Children’s Ministries provide classes and worship for children during church services. The AWANA program is available Wednesday evening. After School Bible Club is held on Monday afternoon.
Collegiate Ministry is committed to reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through academic communities with activities designed for outreach, fellowship, and spiritual development.
Couples Ministry gives couples opportunities for fellowship, instruction, and encouragement to develop and maintain strong Christian families.
Discipleship Ministry offers personal mentoring, example, and Bible study to help believers grow in their walk with Christ and their service to Him.
Drama Ministry presents Biblical truth in skits and plays. During Halloween season, the ministry produces House of Destiny, a walk-through, dramatic presentation of the afterlife emphasizing how believing in Christ changes a person’s eternal destiny.
Fayetteville Christian School provides a sound, affordable, accredited, Christian education based upon the Bible to enable our students to develop Christian character, to establish a sound academic foundation, and to promote the Biblical worldview. Our program is designed for families who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are dedicated to serving Him.
Leadership Training Institute of America (LTIA) trains students at both regional and national conferences (Washington, D.C.) in Biblical leadership professionalism and exceptional integrity, critical thinking skills, worldview apologetics, network influence, and community involvement.
Media Ministry provides live online streaming of worship services and special events, as well as CD’s and online recordings.
Men’s Ministry serves men with opportunities to meet for fellowship, fun, encouragement, instruction in what God intends for men in the home, church, and community.
Music Ministry provides opportunities to learn and participate in choir, groups, solos, and instrumental ensemble.
Prayer Ministry offers a place to share prayer requests at prayformeinChristsname on Facebook.
RU Recovery (RU) is a Christ-centered recovery program designed to rescue, recover, and restore those in addictive behaviors.
Resource Room has Bible studies, books, movies, and other resources to rent or purchase.
Women’s Ministry provides women the opportunity to meet for fellowship, fun, encouragement, and instruction in being the women God intended in the home, the church, and the community.
Worship Services Ministry provides leadership, organization, and oversight of all the worship services at MBBC.
Youth Group offers fellowship, worship, Bible study and training, service opportunities, and more.