Although often misunderstood and unappreciated, Biblical manhood is the basis for strong families, stable communities, and successful churches. MBBC realizes that men need sound instruction and genuine friendships to help them become the men God wants them to be.
Our Men’s Ministry provides opportunities for men to get together with other men for fellowship, activities, and encouragement. Our get togethers are open to all the men of MBBC and men in the community. We enjoy getting together for fellowship; we also do community service ministries.
We have monthly fellowships or activities like getting together to watch a ball game, going to a special destination, or doing a physical project together. We always have spiritual and physical food!
We also have our Annual Men’s Conference to help men succeed in the Christian life. It is a day of fun activities, but we also have serious instruction and encouragement in special presentations and small groups.
Ken Francis
MBBC Men’s Ministry Coordinator